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7 Tips for Blogging Success

Let’s talk about blogging. We all know it’s important to stay in touch with your peeps, but it can be intimidating to get started. Finding the right topic for your blog is probably the biggest hurdle to getting started. If you sit down to write and suddenly get writer’s block, I’d suggest starting a list of […]


6 Ways to Gain More Traffic to Your Facebook Group

Since the Facebook algorithm is now giving priority to content from Groups, local news sources, and other places where Facebook users have “meaningful interactions”, it is high time to consider using FB Groups to help increase those meaningful interactions, and at the same time, build your brand. Groups are a way to build a community […]


F**k FEAR!

In my personal opinion, the number-one thing that stops most people from pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams is FEAR. Well, you know what I say?? F**k fear. (What??!! I can’t believe she just said that! Well, I did.) So many of us are fear driven. We are making choices, big and small, not based on what […]


The Life of an Entrepreneur…WHY BOTHER?

It’s 6 AM. My alarm goes off, and I feel a familiar pit of despair in my stomach. I wonder if I continue to press snooze for long enough, will I no longer need to go to work today? Alas, I must get up…shower, hair, make-up, suit. Coffee, coffee, coffee. I’m at the edge of […]


A Little Birdy Just Told Me…

A little birdy just told me we’re gonna’ get more out of 140 characters! In the coming months Twitter is making changes to simplify Tweets including what counts toward your 140 characters! For instance, @names in replies and media attachments (like photos, GIFs, videos, and polls) will no longer “use up” valuable characters.   You’ll now […]


How Long Does Social Media Marketing Take?

AKA:  Allowing Your Social Media to Grow One of the questions (or concerns) that I sometimes get from my clients is, “How long will this take?”  Like most people, when I want something, I pretty much want it NOW.  The reality is, social media takes time to grow and reach it’s full efficacy.  It just does.  We […]


Staying Up Too Late?? Hard Time Going to Bed ALONE??

No snuggles, no warm body, no other possible bed-time activities, no…nothing. C’mon single friends (and ESPECIALLY single entrepreneurs) you know this drill. When there is no one to go to bed with, and you don’t have a J.O.B., so you don’t necessarily have to get up at a particular time, sometimes it’s hard to get […]


Life: A Balancing Act

Work, family, friends, business, fun, romance, our daily tasks, self care, etc. How does this all get taken care of? How does it all get balanced? Truth?? I have almost no idea. I do however have some thoughts to share, that you might really like. I’m writing this on the plane from Denver to Los […]


What do you do when you lose your job??

What do you do when you lose your job??!! I have personally lost my job…twice. No notice, no severance, no nothing, just gone. If you have recently lost your job, what in the world are you supposed to do??!! Here’s my caveat…If you have 6 – 12 months of monthly expenses saved up, just ready […]