1. Narrow down your social media focus

You don’t need to be on every platform every day.

Focus on 2-6 top platforms where your audience lives, breathes, and buys. Choose your platforms based on the demo/psychographics of your ICA. (Ideal Client/Customer Avatar)

2. Plan to curate your content – Create a content calendar

Planning ahead will help you be consistent.

Strategizing will help you post relevant and valuable content to your audience.

Be sure to batch your content creation to save yourself a ton of time!

3. Make the most of your time on social media, whether it’s a few hours a week or an hour a day

Check alerts for brand mentions and respond accordingly. Ideally have someone on your team spend just 10 – 15 minutes a day to make sure this is done.

Engage with your audience not only on your Pages and Groups, but other relevant Pages and Groups. Your ICA IS on social; be sure you’re connecting with them in a meaningful way.

Review analytics quarterly and make content/strategic adjustments if needed. What is measured can be improved. Our mantra for social is, “Test it, Track it, Tweak it.”

So…how many hours per day or per week do you need to spend to be successful on social media?
We’ve got a checklist to help! Get yours now.

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