Work, family, friends, business, fun, romance, our daily tasks, self care, etc. How does this all get taken care of? How does it all get balanced? Truth?? I have almost no idea. I do however have some thoughts to share, that you might really like. I’m writing this on the plane from Denver to Los […]
What do you do when you lose your job??
What do you do when you lose your job??!! I have personally lost my job…twice. No notice, no severance, no nothing, just gone. If you have recently lost your job, what in the world are you supposed to do??!! Here’s my caveat…If you have 6 – 12 months of monthly expenses saved up, just ready […]
Holiday Shopping – SOLVED
Let me guess… There are people you love, people you like, clients, bosses, co-workers, etc. AND… you’d like to buy a perfect Christmas/Holiday gifts for all of them! Right?? But alas… your budget for the Holidays this year just doesn’t seem to equal what it would cost to buy all those gifts! Right??!! Some of […]
Database Marketing – Size Does Matter
As we continue into the age of technology, I’m finding that size DOES matter!!! The size of your database that is!!! It is FAR easier to sell to your current database then find new clients to market to. If someone likes your “stuff”, then they like your stuff, so it stands to reason they’d want […]
Contact Management
Here are some specific suggestions for Contact Management so you can start your new Database Marketing right!!! If you want to start for free you can use your email program. (Eg. Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) HOWEVER… and you’ll notice this is a BIG however… ultimately this will NOT serve you for contact management and database marketing. […]